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DVD, TV preferred film viewing option over downloading

Consumers still prefer watching TV shows and movies on DVD or the TV to watching movies online via streaming or downloading, according to a study by industry trade group DEG: The Digital Entertainment Group.

The study Online Content: New Pathways of Discovery and Use surveyed 1,035 broadband Internet users in the US, ages 18 to 49, who watched three hours or more of streaming video online each week. Research firm SmithGeiger conducted the study in May for the DEG.

Just 10% of those surveyed prefer to watch a movie via streaming or downloading, compared to 41% who prefer to watch on DVD and 32% who prefer TV.

Users prefer to watch shorter videos online, mostly movie trailers or clips forwarded to them, according to the study. Most users said that right now, they didn’t want to pay to download a movie or watch online, but 24% would pay to create a DVD or watch a movie online at the same time the movie opens in theaters.

“While the primary focus of our business is packaged media, the consumer is migrating to a world of online content,” said Matt Lasorsa, co-chair of the DEG content committee and New Line Home Entertainment executive VP of marketing. “It was interesting to learn that while consumers are embracing digital entertainment, DVD remains the most popular means for viewing video content in the home.”

Story filed 20.08.07

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