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Sales of Blu-ray players set to reach 4.6 million units in EU countries

Sales of Blu-ray players in Europe are set to reach a new record high in 2010. Around 4.6 million units will be sold in EU member states, more than doubling the previous figure (+110%), according to the European Information Technology Observatory (EITO). It predicts that sales of Blu-ray players will rise by 49% to €770 million.

The research suggests that average prices will hover at around €166 in the EU in 2010, a fall of 29%. While prices in Germany and France, at an average €170, are slightly above the EU-wide figure, buyers in Italy and Spain pay a good deal less, with average price tags at the €150 level.

The largest sales markets in Europe are Germany and the UK, which together account for almost half of all sales in the union. In Germany, sales are set to double in 2010, up 105% to 1.1 million units, worth around €183 million, a 59% increase. In the UK, sales have risen similarly to 1.1 million units, a jump of 87%, netting €190 million (+57%).

The French market follows with 700,000 units, and sales up 84% to €119 million. EITO forecasts that sales will double in Italy, climbing 61% to €42 million.
The currently low figure in Spain, meanwhile, looks likely to rise by 89% to 100,000 units. Sales there should increase by 18% to €15 million.

Story filed 12.08.10

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