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Austrian design award for environmentally-conscious JakeBox

Stockholm, Sweden-based JakeBox AB, a creator and licensor of environmentally-friendly media packaging, has won the Austrian packaging design award 'The Golden Venus' for a box concept used by music label MG-Sound through JakeBox reseller CSM, for the album Vienna Symphonic Lounge - A Trip to the Core

Besides the eye-catching pop-up feature that is the hallmark of the JakeBox concept, this particular production includes a laser-cut letter puzzle, that was originally created by designer Sofia Viktorsson for a JakeBox made for multiple special occasions, like birthdays, Christmas, etc. Several colour-coded insert cards create different greetings through the laser-cut letter shaped holes. MG Sounds and CSM adapted Viktorsson 's letter puzzle concept to fit the Vienna Symphonic Lounge release.

Founded by Jakob Skarin in 2004, the company has an aggressive environmentally-sustainable policy. “All material is FSC approved recyclable (or even recycled) carton board or paper; all printing is with vegetable inks; we promote water based varnish instead of UV; we use Green Cargo; our production is mostly wind-powered; no employees drive cars, we only ride bicycles and use public transportation; all resulting in a carbon footprint way below zero (-732 kg/ton),” says Skarin who boasts that his company can be considered the supplier of "the most eco-friendly package in the world". “JakeBoxes actually absorbs more carbon dioxide than it emits, so you actually reduce global warming by using JakeBoxes!,” he adds.

To service a global base of customers, JakeBox AB offers licenses to established packaging companies around the world. The latest deal to date is with Dai Nippon Printing, which acquired the first JakeBox licence in Japan.

Story filed 16.04.10

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