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German disc market holding thanks to Blu-ray

The German video industry seems to be weathering the tough economic climate as it reports sales of over 47 million discs in the first half of this year, up from 44.7 million units in the first half of 2008.

According to Joachim A. Birr, of BVW, these are record figures for the industry: “The crisis and changes in consumers’ lifestyles are not penalising home video.”

The increase in sales volumes has translated in revenue growth worth €572 million – an increase of 4% on the first half of 2008 (€551 million).

Good new on the Blu-ray front where its market share is rising sharply. Blu-ray discs accounted for €41 million of the total, a figure which is more than three times the €13 million generated in 2008.

The news is relatively good on the rental front as well where business has been stable. Transactions in the first six months of 2009 reached a total of 48.7 million – compared to 48.8 million in 2008) – with revenue of € 118 million (€119 million in the same period last year).

The fact that the rental sector has held is attributed to the growth in Blu-ray Disc rental which made up for the decline in DVD rental. Some 2.1 million BD discs were rented in the first half of this year, compared to 400,000 in 2008.

Story filed 09.09.09

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