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Jackie Chan helps fight piracy with fridge magnets

The Motion Pictures Association and the China Film Copyright Protection Association plan to issue 200,000 refrigerator magnets bearing martial art film star Jackie Chan's image and an anti-piracy message to buyers of authentic DVDs in China, where piracy is rampant.

The message says, "Thank you for purchasing legitimate DVDs. Your action determines the future of the film industry," Hollywood industry group MPA said in a statement last week.

The magnets will be given to buyers of the Hollywood movies Perfect Stranger, The Bourne Ultimatum and No Reservations at supermarkets, bookstores, retail shops and online vendors, MPA said.

The MPA says more than 90 percent of DVDs in China are pirated and estimates that piracy in the country cost American studios $244 million (€166.4 million) and Chinese studios $2.4 billion (€1.6 billion) in lost potential box office revenue in 2005.

Story filed 10.12.07

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