Europe's online source of news, data & analysis for professionals involved in packaged media and new delivery technologies

DVD Intelligence website passes 100-country milestone

The number of countries from which visitors logged in reached 105 last month. Going live four years ago, the site is now attracting a monthly average of 17,500 industry visitors. "We are yielding the fruits of our hard work with a combination of news digest and in-depth investigations," says Jean-Luc Renaud, the website's Editor-in-Chief and Publisher. "Perhaps more important, we have gained cudos from our fiercely independent, even-handed coverage of the 'format war' which has raised passions even amongst some corners of the journalisting community, obscuring rather than shedding light on complex issues."

DVD Intelligence started in 1997, at the birth of DVD-Video, as an industry newsletter. It was transformed into a website at the end of 2003. A companion magazine DVD and Beyond (formerly DVD Primer) is published annually and will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year.

"Combining the reach of the website with the 10,000 copies of the magazine distributed to professionals in 25 European countries, our platform is unmatched," boasts Renaud. "Packaged versus online video delivery promises to be an even livelier debate this year. Our readers can count on us to separate the wheat from the shaff."

Story filed 27.02.08

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