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Polish border guards catch disc smugglers

Polish border police recently carried out a raid in which they arrested eight people involved in the smuggling and manufacture of pirate CDs and DVDs.

As well as producing its own counterfeit discs, the organised gang was involved in smuggling music and films believed to be produced in Russia and Ukraine. During the raid around 66,000 CDs, DVDs, CD-Rs and DVD-Rs and 108,000 inlay cards were seized, along with counterfeit inlays and packaging.

This case, says the IFPI, highlights the value of a partnership approach between the public and private sector and the close and professional working relationship of the ZPAV, which represents the Polish recording industry, and IFPI. A representative of FOTA, which represents the film industry in Poland, was also present during the raid to determine the legitimacy of the seized discs.

Officers also seized illegal firearms, contraband cigarettes and tobacco, and €50,000 in cash.

Story filed 03.02.08

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