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UK DVD market value hit £2.3bn in 2007

Figures released by the British Video Association show that DVD was worth more than £2.3 billion in 2007 including £22 million from hi-def formats – representing a return to year on year value growth after two years’ of decline.

For the first time the value figure has been calculated by the Official Chart Company based on Epos statistics, replacing figures supplied in previous years by ERA (the Entertainment Retailers’ Association).

The BVA is not releasing an official like-for like value change because of the move to new calculation methods, but unofficially the 2007 figure shows growth of around half a percent year on year when compared with the 2006 total, compiled with the old methodology.

“In other retail sectors there has been value decline whereas this – albeit small – is value growth,” the BVA said._BVA Director General Lavinia Carey said: “Not only has high definition reached the one million unit mark as forecast, bringing additional revenue into the market of £22 million, but standard definition has seen a 9.3% volume growth and this is a tremendous year end result.

The new data capture method, the BVA said, is calculated using “systematic, electronic number collection – the same as is used for volume. Market size is generated from bottom up analysis, ie based on the average prices of individual products”. (Source: Cue Entertainment).

Story filed 28.01.08

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