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Sony DADC launches global platform to manage third-party operations

Sony DADC is launching a new integrated platform service offering that will manage complete media lifecycle operations for clients in the media and entertainment industries. The Global Platform Services will oversee clients' supply chain operations and their third-party service providers, from demand through consumption, including creative design support, manufacturing, fulfillment, retail services and reverse logistics.

Sony says its platform will also manage "processes, solution development, and functionality to ensure supply chain excellence, process efficiencies, and cost reductions."

Peter Colby, who previously oversaw Sony DADC Australia's development into a leading full-service supply chain provider, has been appointed president of the Global Platform Services group, which will be based in London.

Designed to help both content owners and service providers focus on core business initiatives, Sony DADC's Global Platform Services can be used by media companies, distributors, and service providers to issue, negotiate, and deliver services from the best and most efficient commercial suppliers in the industry.

"Our goal is to remove the challenges and excessive costs of managing a full supply chain solution while developing processes that can be dedicated to extending the life of packaged media and enhancing the retail experience," said Dieter Daum, President & CEO, Sony DADC.

Story filed 12.07.13

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