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21% of Brits use EST services on holiday; 90% know about them

New figures released today by the British Video Association show that 88% of the British population know they now can make a one-off payment to download and view a film or TV show on their tablet or smart phone, with more than twice as many people paying to download video entertainment last year than in 2011.

BVA-commissioned Kantar Worldpanel data (December 2012), reveal that 88% of respondents aged 13-79 have heard about this technology, 15% have used electronic sell-through (EST) services versus 7% by December 2011. Twenty-one percent said they use a digital download service 'only on holidays.' "With new video releases from digital download services being available earlier and to keep, it isn't surprising that they are popular for holiday breaks," says the BVA.

With half term just around the corner, the BVA anticipates the immediacy, portability and ease of storage cited by users as the top three reasons for buying video downloads will stimulate activity, particularly given the recent Academy Award winning new releases such as Django Unchained, Les Misérables and Life of Pi and the popularity of TV series such as Endeavour and Call the Midwife.

There are more than 40 digital video services; the video industry releases about 6,000 titles a year, on which consumers spent over £2.317 billion in 2012.

Story filed 27.05.13

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