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Pakistani market shopkeepers selling 'vulgar films' risk Taliban ire

Taliban from the Khyber tribal region have warned shopkeepers in a popular market on the edge of Peshawar to stop selling 'obscene films,' reports Pakistan's

At least 10 people were killed and 26 wounded last Friday when a bomb exploded near a DVD shop in Kalaya, the main town in the Orakzai tribal district - an area that the military claims to have cleared of Taliban fighters.

Shopkeepers selling music and films are routinely threatened across the northwest, where hundreds of DVD and CD shops have been bombed in the past by militants who deem their business un-Islamic.

"Selling sex drugs, vulgar films and obscene movies are against Sharia," said hand-written pamphlets distributed in the name of Tehrik-i-Taliban Khyber to shopkeepers in Karkhano market.

It states that "All those involved in this business are warned to quit this occupation and start a lawful business or face the consequences."

Story filed 18.02.13

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