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Disc Makers' free guide to creating 'professional-looking' DVD menus

While DVD authoring software makes it easy to create and design template-based DVD menus, many of those templates have limitations and drawbacks that may produce a less-than-acceptable DVD menus, notes leading independent US CD/DVD manufacturer Disc Makers, who has just published a free guide to help understand the basic principles of designing for TV. 

Designing Custom DVD Menus: Tips and Techniques to Do It Right the First Time, the newest PDF download from Disc Makers, provides detailed explanations for creating DVD templates in Adobe Photoshop CS, advice for using software like Apple's DVD Studio Pro and Adobe's Encore, and actionable information to show ?how to create a DVD menu of professional quality without any guess work.?

Written by Craig Elliott Hanna, manager of the company's authoring department, the guide gives plenty of detailed information while treading the line between technology-speak and plain English.

"Like anything, designing DVD menus starts with understanding the basics,"" explains Hanna. "If you have a fundamental understanding of the way a TV monitor displays, and the specific things you need to do to design for that medium - as well as what you need to avoid - you're already a step ahead. Taking the time at the beginning of the process to avoid mistakes, rather than having to fix something that isn't working later on, is definitely recommended."

Disc Makers maintains Echoes, a DIY music and business blog, and has published dozens of guides aimed at helping filmmakers, business people, and musicians sustain their careers and produce professional product. Designing Custom DVD Menus joins five other guides targeted to the audio-video market.

Story filed 20.05.12

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