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Rental kiosk chain Redbox hit 2-billion disc milestone

Self-service DVD/Blu-ray rental kiosk Redbox achieved an entertainment milestone last weekend, crossing the two billion mark for movie and game rentals. The two billionth disc, Drive, was rented at a McDonald's restaurant in Philomath, Oregon.

Redbox, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Coinstar, Inc, operates more than 35,400 kiosks at over 29,000 locations nationwide, including leading grocery, drug and convenience stores, select Walmart locations and Walgreens locations in select markets.

The company claims more than 68% of the US population lives within a five-minute drive of a Redbox kiosk, the nearest location can be found via the RedboxiPhone and Android apps.

As a treat to celebrate this 2-billion disc milestone, Redbox offered a free, one-night (8 March) movie rental by using a promotional code available on the company's Facebook page.

Story filed 14.03.12

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