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Testronic expands London base to support Games testing services

Multi-platform quality assurance services supplier Testronic Labs has announced the completion of an expansion of their central London facility. The bigger footprint at the Testronic Borough High Street location includes new testing environments and offices.

The expanded environment was needed to meet the increased needs of Testronic's European Games operations, which has seen sizeable growth in testing offerings. Games Services will now be headquartered in central London, alongside the Testronic Software Testing team. The company says that, with the convergence of many entertainment technologies, this move enables Testronic to efficiently support new platforms, devices, and content.

Games Services London has kicked off the expansion with several large triple-A titles. Alastair Harsant, Vice President of Operations for Games Services, concluded, "It is exciting to be asked to work on the most challenging games and projects. The expansion of the Borough High Street facility supports our continued growth in the industry and will allow us to support the future technologies that are crucial to all of our clients."

The renovation and expansion will be completed this month.

Story filed 07.03.12

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