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Ultraviolet needs huge industry support to challenge iTunes

While seamless device portability for high quality content has become the hallmark of successful digital media strategies, Ultraviolet – a competing digital content and device ecosystem to iTunes - must address a range of challenges if it is to drive meaningful consumer adoption. According to Strategy Analytics. The broadly-backed Ultraviolet initiative may struggle in the face of Apple dominance in the digital media content and device landscape.

“Given the scale of the challenges facing Ultraviolet it is just as well that the strengths and capabilities of its backers are the most impressive ever seen in a CE and media industry consortium,” says Ed Barton, Director of the Strategy Analytics Digital Media Service. “To drive consumer adoption, Ultraviolet will have to offer a frictionless experience across multiple content and device vendors. In the face of entrenched and fierce competition, Ultraviolet will have to offer a clear and convincing answer to the question many consumers will naturally pose: Why use it?”

According to this latest Strategy Analytics Insight, Ultraviolet faces a significant challenge to convince consumers to shift away from established services such as iTunes. “The shadow of uncertainty arising from the absence of Apple from the DECE consortium behind Ultraviolet means that the market cannot be certain about whether Ultraviolet-enabled content will work on Apple devices or whether iTunes will sell UV-enabled content.”

“The emergence of Ultraviolet will up the competitive stakes in the provision of digital media lockers and cloud-based content distribution,” Barton added. “However a lack of compatibility with Apple devices or iTunes will discourage the highest spending digital media customer base from using Ultraviolet content which in turn impacts the value proposition.

"Consumers love content which offers seamless device portability and have already demonstrated this in their spending: in the absence of cooperation from Apple, Ultraviolet must surpass what is already available from competitors--and, of course, from pirated media--in order to deliver the results such a consortium deserves.”

Story filed 14.09.11

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