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Demand, prices up make optical disc industry a seller's market

Thanks to high-level demands, profit margins for optical disc makers have increased, while CD-R disc prices are expected to rise by 20% in the second half of the year, according to CMC Magnetics chairman Robert Wong, quoted in

Ritek, another major optical disc maker in Taiwan, also says that disc prices have been rising this year due to rising material prices. Disc prices are expected to rise further in the third quarter.

Wong said that many local optical disc makers have been withdrawing from the business, while some Japanese disc makers also stopped production after the massive earthquake in March. CMC has raised all its disc prices by an average 30% in March.

The supply shortage of CD-R discs has pushed up prices by about 40% since early this year, the first since 2009, Wong said, pointing out that the optical-disc sector has turned into a sellers’ market, a move that will benefit CMC’s future operation. “Flooding orders are filling production lines throughout the year-end. Fourth quarter operations will turn profitable.

Story filed 04.07.11

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