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Infomedia, Inception Digital Services in content distribution deal

Infomedia, part of German independent replicator and digital service provider Infodisc Group, has struck a partnership deal with US company Inception Digital Services to delivers video content via its new digital distribution channel.

Located in the Los Angeles area, IDS is a leading digital distribution service provider to film studios, television networks, video distributors and independent content owners offering a wide range of digital encoding, electronic packaging and secure high-speed content delivery.

IDS possesses certified delivery access to all major online, broadcast media and VOD platforms including iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, Verizon, Sony Playstation, Microsoft Xbox, CinemaNow, InDemand, Comcast, Echostar, Blockbuster, Hulu and Vudu.

From now on, all digital services needed to supply movies to the iTunes Movie Store and similar distribution channels will be provided by Infomedia. These services include technical certifications as well as certifications with regards to content. It means that license holders without these certifications will be able to supply their contents via Infomedia Multimedia Services.

“This way Infomedia unlocks the possibility for a wide range of providers to deliver content to all common video platforms in addition to the traditional way of releasing their titles on physical media,” says Michael Gutowski, CEO of the Infodisc Group.

Story filed 14.06.11

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