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Narnia BD's extras revive CircleVision technology

Disney's release of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian on 2 December will be pushing the extras and interactivity technology with an exclusive new feature called CircleVision.

In the demo saw by Electricpig reporters, CircleVision uses the remote handset to spin around a scene in 360 degrees. It is done by using footage from an array of cameras positioned around a 360 degree set. When specific points in the panorama are highlight , text, video and sound related to them pop up.

So-called Circle-Vision 360° was originally developed in the late 1950s as a film technique, refined by The Walt Disney Company, that uses nine cameras for nine huge screens arranged in a circle. The cameras are usually mounted on top of an automobile for scenes through cities and highways, while films such as The Timekeeper use a static camera and many CGI effects.

The first film was America the Beautiful (1955 version) in the Circarama theater, which would eventually become Circle-Vision theater in 1967.

Electricpig reckons Prince Caspian looks set to be the most advanced Blu-ray release so far.

Story filed 01.10.08

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