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MPO acquires BDMO France to beef up European packaging presence

French independent optical disc solutions provider MPO has acquired the French subsidiary of Belgium packaging manufacturer BDMO with the stated objective of strengthening its own packaging division M’Pack’s activities across Europe. BDMO is no longer active in packaging for the multimedia sector.

M’Pack, the wholly-owned print and packaging division of MPO, is to open commercial offices in Germany, Benelux, the UK and in the USA.

This acquisition will double the number of machines across M’Pack’s production plants at Averton and Le Mans. Together with the integration of advanced equipment and a new design studio, MPO intends to better respond to the demand of the entertainment sector for bespoke packaging. “BDMO France acquisition is an opportunity to get hold of specialist equipment and know-how to underpin our growth in new markets,” says Alban Pingeot, CEO of MPO France.

At the same time, the MPO Group, with 2010 revenue of €130m, is to take over the 9,000 square meter logistics and distribution centre of Cinram Spain at San Agustin, enabling the French manufacturer to beef up the supply-chain services to sustain its European expansion.

Story filed 24.03.11

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