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France's release windows reform stops video market decline

Changes in France’s release windows (Chronologie des médias) which shortens the time between the theatrical exhibition of a film and its availability on DVD, Blu-ray or VOD has been responsible for halting the decline of video sales that had been going on for the past few years, says French video publishers association SEVN.

SEVN is pleased to see the new framework largely adopted by all industry partners as well as the public at large. During the first semester of 2010, some 60% of all films were released on video within 4 to 5 months after their theatrical screenings.

According to film support agency CNC, cinema box office has risen sharply from January to August – 6.8% over the same period last year.

SEVN underlines that the positive impact of the release windows reform will be long-lasting only if French authorities succeed in combating piracy via the active implementation of the graduated response otherwise knows as “three strikes’ approach of the so-called HADOPI law.

Story filed 14.09.10

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