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HD DVD camp plans 51GB disc

The HD DVD camp announced plans for commercialization of a new triple-layer HD DVD disc for recording, offering a capacity of 51GB.

The HD DVD Promotion Group organised a press conference at the CES show on Sunday and presented the latest information and developments related to the HD DVD format.

In an effort to bridge the capacity gap between the HD DVD and the rival Blu-ray format, the Toshiba-led promotion group announced plans to release a triple-layer HD DVD-ROM disc, offering 17GB of capacity per layer. The disc prototype is capable of holding approximately 7 hours of high-definition video (17Mbps, broadcast).

The new disc will be proposed to the DVD Forum for standardization in 2007 and it is expected to appear on the market by the end of the year.

According to Toshiba, the new disc will be able to store information at smaller pits compared to the current 15GB HD DVD media. As a result, each layer of the disc can hold 17GB of information.

Story filed 10.01.07

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