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UK's first street posters hitting at film piracy

The Federation Against Copyright Theft launched a major initiative aimed at reducing the sale of pirate DVDs in a London suburb.

The posters support the ongoing enforcement activity by the Hackney Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Hackney Council’s Community Safety Team targeting fly pitchers and street sellers of counterfeit DVDs in the town centre.

In February 2007, a multi-agency operation led to the arrest of seven persistent offenders and resulted in 10 year Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) and five month suspended prison sentences. Highlighting the people subject to the ASBOs and also warning of the penalties for selling pirate DVDs, the large posters are being displayed on lamp posts in the car park of supermarket giant Tesco and in some of the surrounding streets. There are also leaflets and smaller posters being distributed to local businesses.

Kieron Sharp, Director General of FACT, said: “The recent enforcement operations against the street sellers operating in Hackney were well publicised, especially in light of the 10 year ASBOs meted out. However, enforcement needs to be combined with public awareness and this poster campaign should leave no one in any doubt of the penalties for selling counterfeit DVDs.

Story filed 19.04.07

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