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MPEG LA works on joint HD DVD patent pool

MPEG LA, the one-stop technology standards patent licensing, issued a call for patents and patent applications that are essential to the HD DVD standard in order to facilitate creation of a joint HD DVD patent license.

“Continuing in its mission to respond to the market’s need for fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory
access to patents essential to defined technologies, MPEG LA is pleased to accept an invitation to
facilitate this effort so that users may have the benefit of a convenient marketplace licensing alternative to
assist them with implementation of their technology choices,” said MPEG LA Chief Executive Officer
Larry Horn.

The call begins a process of evaluating and determining patents that are essential to the standard in order
to include them in a joint patent portfolio license providing users with fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory access to the technology as an alternative to negotiating separate licenses.

A summary of the MPEG LA facilitation effort with reference to the HD DVD Standard is downloaded.

Story filed 10.05.07

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