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23m counterfeit discs from China seized in Europe

Over 23 million pirate CDs and DVDs were seized by customs at European borders in 2006, with an overwhelming 93% traceable to China, as opposed to 51% in 2005.

According to the IFPI, over 23 million pirate CDs and DVDs were seized by customs at European borders in 2006. Frances Moore, IFPI regional director for Europe, said: "These statistics underscore the urgent need for the EU to step up pressure on China before the WTO. China is producing and exporting millions of pirate products around the world. This has to stop."

The IFPI estimates that a third of all CDs - 1.2 billion pirate CDs in total - purchased in 2005 were pirate, and that the global traffic of pirate CDs was worth US$4.5 billion in 2005 based on pirate prices.

China is currently facing a WTO case, brought by the US, which challenges weaknesses in the country's protection and enforcement of copyrights and trademarks. The EU joined the consultation phase of the WTO case as a third party at the end of April.

Story filed 11.06.07

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